Good News! Christine is now a professional member of BackCare. BackCare is the national charity concerned with reducing the impact of back pain. Christine has always worked closely with Physiotherapists in supporting clients in their rehabilitation after injury and general back-care. Our experience has taught us that as many as 70% of clients may come to you with back issues or back pain at some point. Christine understands the importance of a healthy spine and adapting exercise that support the spinal conditions of your clients.
Within Professional Fitness & Education we run a series of courses and workshops that look specifically at the well being of the spine:
Diagnostic Conditions: Spinal Conditions
This course will take your knowledge of exercise and back pain to another level. In showing you how to adapt exercises and include exercises that are appropriate for a range of back conditions including arthritis, spondylosis, prolapsed disc, osteoporosis, spondylolisthesis and ankylosing spondylitis.
Back & Abdominal Care In Pregnancy and beyond
This course is a basic introduction in to how to teach safe and effective abdominal exercises using the principles of Pilates. It introduces Midwives and health & fitness professionals to the principles of core stability and back care that are essential during and after pregnancy.
These courses are taught by both Christine and our Physiotherapists Jo Burrows and Jenny Herron who are Pilates Practitioners also.